The American Historical Review. №5/2016. V.121 / American Historical Association; Robert A. Schneider. - New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. - 220 p. - Журнал.Отраслевые рубрики: история Ключевые слова: "Ибис", Великобритания, деколонизация, Индия, колониализм, конец истории, метрополии, мигранты, миграционная политика, Париж, Франция Персоналии: Гош Амитав Форматир. содержание: Metropolitan Cultures of Empire and the Long Moment of Decolonization/ Matera M. "The Capital of the Men without a Country": Migrants and Anticolonialism in Interwar Paris/ Goebel M. Murder at London Zoo: Late Colonial Sympathy in Interwar Britain / Sana J. Decolonizing the Smithsonian: Museums as Microcosms of Political Encounter / Wintle C. Empire and Exile: Reflections on the Ibis Trilogy/ Anderson C. The Novelist as Linkister/ Desai G. Amitav Ghosh and the Art of Thick Description: History in the Ibis Trilogy/ Frost M. R. Views from Other Boats: On Amitav Ghosh's Indian Osean "Worlds"/ Machado P. Storytelling and the Spectrum of the Past/ Ghosh A. History after the End of History: Reconceptualizing the Twetieth Century/ Goswami M./ Hecht G./ Khalid A./ Krylova A./ Thompson E. F./ Zatlin J. R./ Zimmerman A.
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